index banner

Key Features

Header Footer Buttons My Account Product Sliders Product Label Header Menus Shop sidebar Cart Sidebar Product Quickview Brand Category

All Features

Product Slider
Product Tab Slider
Category Slider
Category Quick Access from Menu
Blog Slider
Auto Assign Category using Pricelist
Special Category on Mobile
Quick access Menu on Mobile
Quick Filter on Mobile
Cart Sidebar
Portal Layout with User image
Portal Address Add or Remove
Product Quick View Slider & Shop
Product Layout options
Product Per Page
Catalog Filters
Shop Layout options
Social share on product page
Variant Select option in shop page
Product Label
Menu Label
infinite product Load
Mega Menu Snippets
Google Map Snippet
Header Footer options
Google fonts
contact page
Brand Filter
Product Brand page
Product Category Page
Discount Label on Products
Button Styles
Quick Product Publish Unpublish
Product Detail page with Tabs
Font Icon Pack

Note :- This Product is developed and tested with Odoo Addons for declared compatible versions and does not guarantee compatibility with any 3rd party module. Contact us for more information or in case of any trouble with this module.